Upcoming Exhibition at Gallery 1313, May 1-12, 2013

Of or relating to a living entity;
In chemistry;
(1) : of, relating to, or containing carbon compounds (2) : relating to, being, or dealt with by a branch of chemistry concerned with the carbon compounds of living beings and most other carbon compounds.
“Organic” Merriam-Webster.com., Merriam-Webster, 2013
Fri. April 19, 2013
In this series, Michelle Montague uses embroidery, acrylic and oil sticks to explore patterns we may find in Nature and their relationship to the greater world. The combination of overlapping gestural lines creates a world immersed in fantasy, yet arrangement of shapes and colours resembles patterns found in living organisms. Through this body of work the artist continues her study of Nature, the life energy and its everlasting process of rejuvenation.
Gallery 1313,
1313 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON
Hours: Wednesday-Sunday, 1-6pm
Reception: Thursday, May 2, 7 pm