Upcoming Exhibition at Gallery 1313, May 1-12, 2013

Of or relating to a living entity;

In chemistry;
(1) : of, relating to, or containing carbon compounds (2) : relating to, being, or dealt with by a branch of chemistry concerned with the carbon compounds of living beings and most other carbon compounds.

“Organic” Merriam-Webster.com., Merriam-Webster, 2013
Fri. April  19, 2013

In this series, Michelle Montague uses embroidery, acrylic and oil sticks to explore patterns we may find in Nature and their relationship to the greater world. The combination of overlapping gestural lines creates a world immersed in fantasy, yet arrangement of shapes and colours resembles patterns found in living organisms. Through this body of work the artist continues her study of Nature, the life energy and its everlasting process of rejuvenation.

Gallery 1313,
1313 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday, 1-6pm
Reception: Thursday, May 2, 7 pm

Elgin Wintergarden Group Exhibition and other news

Good evening!

Just a quick note to checkout Gallery 1313’s Tumblr page for all the gallery’s latest updates.

Also I’m pleased to announce that my work “Movement With Sequence” is now in the Elgin Wintergarden Group Exhibition at the historical Elgin Theatre, curated by Rupert Young. Access to the exhibit is by appointment. For viewings contact Rupert at 416-821-7073.


Night Moves exhibition at Gallery 1313

Thanks to everyone who came out to Gallery 1313 for the Night Moves members exhibit. The show was a great success with over 1,000 visitors dropping in to view the works on the night of Nuit Blanche! The show ran from September 19th to the 20th. I had one art piece in the show and I’m pleased to say that it was well received as this series is still in the development phase – More on that later.  In the meantime, checkout these pics!


Microcosm at Gallery 1313

Thanks to all those who attended the Microcosm exhibit at Gallery 1313.  I am pleased to say that the show was a success.  The idea for this work started with a series of quick sketches on the subway, using just a notebook and a blue ball-point pen.  This is where I began thinking about the Microcosm series (works on paper) and the Impressions of Kinetic Creation series (paintings).  I wanted to create a body of work that was spontaneous and ever-changing, telling a series of ‘fantastical’ events taking place.

Here are some snapshots of the works installed before the opening on Thursday, February 23rd.  Detailed images of the works from this exhibit are now posted to the site.



Upcoming Exhibition at Gallery 1313, Feb 22-Mar 4, 2012


Also called microcosmos, takes its origin from the Middle English word of microcosme or Medieval Latin mīcrocosmus, from Greek mīkròs kósmos, meaning ‘little world’. Especially:

  1. the human race or human nature seen as an epitome of the world or the universe
  2. a community or other unity that is an epitome of a larger unity”Microcosm” Merriam-Webster.com., Merriam-Webster, 2012
    Thurs., Feb 2 2012

In this exhibition, Michelle uses the visual queues of story-telling to explore the idea of Nature as an active participant of a micro-universe.  With overlapping gestural lines, the artist intuitively creates a world immersed in fantasy.  In this series of drawings and paintings, images of strange creature inhabitants try to balance a delicate relationship with their “mother” – Nature.  The work depicts a series of events, where the creatures find themselves in a world where the forces of “mother” are ever so present; they are physically “caught” in the process.  Much like ourselves, the creatures are both loved and scorned by their well-being “mother” as they get jostled about like goldfish in a tiny bowl of water.  Through this body of work the artist attempts to further her understanding of Nature, the life energy and its ever lasting process of rejuvenation.