New Works Now Posted

Sanctum – My current body of work is now posted to the Paintings gallery.

Moment Of Bliss,  Acrylic, crochet, oil stick, 38" x 38", March 16, 2014,

New Works Added to Organics Series

New works have been added to the Organics Series in the Paintings section. Be sure to check it out!
Here’s a sneak peak of two of my newer paintings. Both are mixed media – Embroidery, acrylic and oil stick:

Untitled_July272013 Untitled_Aug22013










Organics at Gallery 1313

Thanks to all those who attended the Organics exhibit at Gallery 1313. Opening night for the exhibition was shared with the Gallery 44 artists members of the Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival

Here are some snapshots of the works installed before the opening.  Detailed images of the works from this exhibit will be posted soon.


Impressions of Kinetic Creation


The Song Never Ends

The Song Never Ends (January 2008 – March 2010) is a compilation of  atmospheric spaces, which I like to revisit every now and then.  This is where I like to play with washes of colour.   Nature is my muse and through my work, I communicate my love for her.  The arrangement of organic structures, heightened colours and artificial skies meld together, rejuvenating life for a new existence. Once transformed, these spaces become timeless monuments, and any historical reference they might have had is just a passing memory. The softness and subtleties of colours in contrast to the harshness of dark lines of various thicknesses are techniques inspired from my drawing practice.