Giving visual art a voice — beginning this April

Calling For All Geniuses

Giving visual art a voice — beginning this April 2006

Toronto, Ont. – April 5th, 2006 Are you one of those people who had a great idea for a painting and dreamed of collaborating with an artist to develop your idea? Well, this is your chance …

Introducing the truly ground-breaking concept of using modern technology to give visual art a voice. The Genius Loves Company art project uses the Internet to engage the general public in the co-creation of art inspired by art. Have you ever been moved by a song, taken into a fantasy journey by a great movie, or left spellbound by a wonderful book? Now imagine transferring that sense of wonderment onto a painting!

During the month of April 2006, artists from the SIX AH WI Collective will be accepting creative ideas from the general public for the creation of a total of six public paintings which will be displayed during the Genius Loves Company exhibition. The exhibition will take place from October 14th to 28th, 2006 at the Arta Gallery in the trendy Distillery district. Following the two-week run at Arta Gallery, the exhibition will move to Ellington’s Café (805 St. Clair Ave W).

But we need your participation immediately as the goal of the project is to foster the active participation of the general public with the artists during the creative process. Please e- mail the artists to share your ideas, encourage them in their creative process, or simply to lend your support in a few words.

How to get involved?
We invite you to visit the exhibition’s site today at — where you will virtually meet the six talented artists of the Genius Loves Company exhibition. With the theme of the exhibition being “art inspired by art”, the nature of this project is to promote all facets of the arts so as to give Visual Art a more interactive and entertaining voice. The Genius Loves Company concept came about by exploring how the arts compliment and often give birth to one another. Each member of our collective will produce numerous works of art inspired by musicians, writers, poets, instrumentalists and filmmakers. Our intention is to inspire our audience to embrace visual arts by enticing them with art forms that are readily accessible to them; be it online, at bookstores or video and music outlets.
Each artist (Ato Seitu, Georgia Fullerton-Morgan, Sonia Farquharson, Michelle Montague, Abye Kifle, and Tafewa Turner) has chosen a particular piece from another artistic discipline (song, movie or book) which you will help them render into a painting. Take the opportunity now to visit the website and find out which original artistic expression they chose!

The SIX AH WI Collective is available for interviews. Members of the media are encouraged to contact Ato Seitu or Melvin Bakandika below to facilitate coverage of the artists and the exhibition.

See article on the SIX AH WI Collective

Come out and make art history with our geniuses!

SIX AH WI Artist Collective
Ato Seitu
email: [email protected]
phone: 416-667-8200
Melvin Bakandika
email: [email protected]
phone: 416-929-3769

Much Silence Make A Loud Noise Art Exhibition

Ashanti Room, 836 Bloor St. West, July 15-30 , 2005, Toronto CAN


Tropicana Community Services will be honoured with an exhibition entitled “Much Silence Makes a Loud Noise” presented by the Six Ah Wi Artist Collective and made possible because of the generous support of the Ontario Arts Council. The community is invited to enjoy a free exhibition at the Ashanti Room, located at 836 Bloor St. West (a block and a half east of Ossington). The exhibition will open on July 15 at 7pm.

Tropicana Community Services is being recognized because it has become a beacon for the Caribbean and Black communities, harnessing the creative energies, talents, and resources of the community to enhance lives and build better communities. The exhibition will feature portraiture work celebrating Toronto’s diversity.

This event is also the inaugural exhibition by the Six Ah Wi Artist Collective. The artists in the collective are Sonja Farquharson-Jeans, Michael Gibson, Michelle Montague, and Ato Seitu. Six Ah Wi is committed to exposing new audiences to visual art through innovative and compelling exhibitions
and collaborations. The collective is based on six principles that promote growth and renewal.

Selected Works on Display at Just Desserts

Just Desserts, Yonge & Wellesley, July 12-September 6, 2005 , Toronto CAN

There is a selection works on exhibit at Just Desserts From July 12 to August 6 located at 555 Yonge Street (just South of Wellesley) in Toronto, Canada.

On display is a mix of abstract and representational works of various landscapes.
The works on display are on sale therefore if you want to have a look at unique and original artwork in person you are more than encouraged to stop in have a mocca or a dessert and take a look.

If you have any questions you can contact me at [email protected] or speak to the cafe manager.

9th Annual Canadian Human Rights Through Art Exhibition

Yes it is true, I have been a very “busy little bee” painting away in my corner of the universe as well as learning, studying and creating new experiences and improving my practice.

Just to keep you up to date I have posted two new works in the Figurative gallery on Fullmontague. These works will be on exhibit in the Canadian Human Rights Through Art Exhibition (Toronto, CAN) starting January 31, 2005 at the following venues:

January 31-February 4~ Scotiabank Plaza
February 7-11~ Metro Hall
February 14-18~ Coca-Cola Ltd. Toronto Headquarters
February 24-March 11~ Mooishi Gallery/ Hamilton City Hall
March 14-April 1~ Burlington Art Centre

The official launch of the exhibit wiil be on Monday, February 7, 2005 at Metro Hall at 6:30pm.

Also I would like to thank all those who have visited, emailed or signed my guestbook. Your support is very much appreciated and I just wanted to let you know that I am working very hard to keep the site updated with new and lively works.

Peace and Love !

Works on Display at Just Desserts

Just Desserts, Yonge & Wellesley, July – September 2004, Toronto CAN

Starting July 12, 2004 my latest body of works will be on display till mid September at Just Desserts in the Yonge & Wellesley area in Toronto, Canada.
My continuing personal theme for these works are the “abstracted landscapes” which builds on the influences of specific Impressionists such as Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and Expressionist artist Matisse. These works and other works will be added to the web galleries near the end of the exhibit, but if you’re in the area I encourage you to stop by enjoy a cup of java and take in the scenery!

For those of you who are not local, here’s a sneak peek: photo1, photo2, photo3, photo4, photo5.

Mother Love Art Exhibition at Ashanti Room

April 20 to May 9, 2004, Toronto CAN
In honour of Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters, Daughters and Mother Nature I will be particpating in the Mother Love group show at the Ashanti Room in Toronto, CAN, 836 Bloor St. W. (1.5 blocks east of Ossington).

The exhibit will run from April 20 to May 9, 2004 and the opening reception will be held on April 24 from 7-10pm.
For more information about this exhibit or any upcoming events got to Ashanti Room News.

8th Annual Human Rights Through Art Exhibition

February 2-27, 2004, Touring, Toronto CAN

In celebration of Black History Month, The Canadian Human Rights Commision will be holding their 8th Annual Human Rights Through Art Exhibition featuring the works of both established and emerging artists (such as myself). Organized by the The Canadian Human Rights Commission in collaboration with The Halton Police Services, Scotiabank and Coca-Cola, this exhibit not only celebrates the achievements and contributions of Blacks in Canadian culture through the means of art expression but it also celebrates the human rights and expression of all Canadians.

From February 2- 27, 2004, the works will be rotated throughout Toronto at the location of the sponsors involved in this year’s event.

Opening reception for this exhibition will be held on Thursday, February 12, 2004 at 6:30 pm at The Rotunda, Metro Hall, 55 John Street in Toronto, Canada.

thefirstannualholidaysale at

December 10, 2003, Toronto, CAN

Yes it has been a long while since I have updated anything on Fullmontague. I’ve been keeping busy making new and exciting creations and I can’t wait to post them up on the site.

Just to let you know starting December 10, 2003 I will be participating in thefirstannualholidaysale at in downtown Toronto (CAN) at 1183 Dundas St. W . I have submitted 5 works to the show and there are a total of over 150 works to choose from painters, printmakers, and jewellers alike.

The gallery opening party is December 12th at 6pm and everyone is more than welcome to drop by and take a peek at the wonderful works on display. For more details please visit

Women’s Collective Show, OCAD

Ontario College of Arts & Design (OCAD)
March 3-14, 2003, Toronto CAN

My artworks will be featured with the works of 35 artists at the Ontario College of Arts and Design (OCAD). Exhibiting in the OCAD Central Hall and Transit Space, March 3-14th, 2003 (Toronto, Canada), the Women’s Collective Show will feature the works of women artists in video, sculpture, fibre, ceramics, jewellery painting etc…

The opening reception will take place on March 6th at 7pm at 100 McCaul St.

The Fourth Annual Millenium Art Auction

Arts on King Wagner Rosenbaum Gallery, Toronto CAN, March 3, 2003

This year I donated one of my works (L1-Untitled) to The New Leaders of the Sunnybrook and Women’s Foundation to be put up for sale in a silent art auction. The event took place on March 3rd, 2003 at Arts on King Wagner Rosenbaum Gallery. All the proceeds from the donated works of both emerging and established artists went towards IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Research at the Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre.

Artist Talk, Valley Park Middle School

As part of the Human Rights Through Art Exhibition and Black History Month I was invited by the communications coordinator Melanie Vendrame of Coca-Cola to talk to the grade 7 and 8 students of Valley Park Middle School who were visiting on location (Toronto, CAN). The students and I discussed how important it is exercise your rights and to be an active participant in the community no matter how big or small. The students were most impressive in their knowledge and questions about human rights and I have to say it was fun spending time with them. They also had questions about my work as an artist and the arts in general. When asked why did I become an artist, I responded that in the arts you have the opportunity to communicate on a different level and if you have a dream then you most definitely have to reach for it. For the sky is not the limit and every voice needs to be heard.

7th Annual Human Rights Through Art Exhibition

February 3 to March 13, 2003, Touring, Toronto CAN

This is my third year participating in the Human Rights Through Art Exhibition. This exhibit in celebration of Black History Month in Canada displays the works of both emerging and established artists in Ontario. Organized by the Ontario Regional Office of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and sponsored by McDonald Block, Scotiabank, Coca-Cola and the Royal Picture Framing Factory, this exhibit not only celebrates the achievements and contributions of Blacks in Canadian culture through the means of art expression but it also celebrates the human rights and expression of all Canadians..

From February 3 to March 13, 2003, works will be rotated throughtout Toronto at the location of the sponsors involved in this year’s event.