9th Annual Canadian Human Rights Through Art Exhibition

Yes it is true, I have been a very “busy little bee” painting away in my corner of the universe as well as learning, studying and creating new experiences and improving my practice.

Just to keep you up to date I have posted two new works in the Figurative gallery on Fullmontague. These works will be on exhibit in the Canadian Human Rights Through Art Exhibition (Toronto, CAN) starting January 31, 2005 at the following venues:

January 31-February 4~ Scotiabank Plaza
February 7-11~ Metro Hall
February 14-18~ Coca-Cola Ltd. Toronto Headquarters
February 24-March 11~ Mooishi Gallery/ Hamilton City Hall
March 14-April 1~ Burlington Art Centre

The official launch of the exhibit wiil be on Monday, February 7, 2005 at Metro Hall at 6:30pm.

Also I would like to thank all those who have visited, emailed or signed my guestbook. Your support is very much appreciated and I just wanted to let you know that I am working very hard to keep the site updated with new and lively works.

Peace and Love !

Works on Display at Just Desserts

Just Desserts, Yonge & Wellesley, July – September 2004, Toronto CAN

Starting July 12, 2004 my latest body of works will be on display till mid September at Just Desserts in the Yonge & Wellesley area in Toronto, Canada.
My continuing personal theme for these works are the “abstracted landscapes” which builds on the influences of specific Impressionists such as Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and Expressionist artist Matisse. These works and other works will be added to the web galleries near the end of the exhibit, but if you’re in the area I encourage you to stop by enjoy a cup of java and take in the scenery!

For those of you who are not local, here’s a sneak peek: photo1, photo2, photo3, photo4, photo5.

Mother Love Art Exhibition at Ashanti Room

April 20 to May 9, 2004, Toronto CAN
In honour of Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters, Daughters and Mother Nature I will be particpating in the Mother Love group show at the Ashanti Room in Toronto, CAN, 836 Bloor St. W. (1.5 blocks east of Ossington).

The exhibit will run from April 20 to May 9, 2004 and the opening reception will be held on April 24 from 7-10pm.
For more information about this exhibit or any upcoming events got to Ashanti Room News.

thefirstannualholidaysale at le.gallery

December 10, 2003, Toronto, CAN

Yes it has been a long while since I have updated anything on Fullmontague. I’ve been keeping busy making new and exciting creations and I can’t wait to post them up on the site.

Just to let you know starting December 10, 2003 I will be participating in thefirstannualholidaysale at le.gallery in downtown Toronto (CAN) at 1183 Dundas St. W . I have submitted 5 works to the show and there are a total of over 150 works to choose from painters, printmakers, and jewellers alike.

The gallery opening party is December 12th at 6pm and everyone is more than welcome to drop by and take a peek at the wonderful works on display. For more details please visit le.gallery

Women’s Collective Show, OCAD

Ontario College of Arts & Design (OCAD)
March 3-14, 2003, Toronto CAN

My artworks will be featured with the works of 35 artists at the Ontario College of Arts and Design (OCAD). Exhibiting in the OCAD Central Hall and Transit Space, March 3-14th, 2003 (Toronto, Canada), the Women’s Collective Show will feature the works of women artists in video, sculpture, fibre, ceramics, jewellery painting etc…

The opening reception will take place on March 6th at 7pm at 100 McCaul St.

7th Annual Human Rights Through Art Exhibition

February 3 to March 13, 2003, Touring, Toronto CAN

This is my third year participating in the Human Rights Through Art Exhibition. This exhibit in celebration of Black History Month in Canada displays the works of both emerging and established artists in Ontario. Organized by the Ontario Regional Office of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and sponsored by McDonald Block, Scotiabank, Coca-Cola and the Royal Picture Framing Factory, this exhibit not only celebrates the achievements and contributions of Blacks in Canadian culture through the means of art expression but it also celebrates the human rights and expression of all Canadians..

From February 3 to March 13, 2003, works will be rotated throughtout Toronto at the location of the sponsors involved in this year’s event.