Plastic Dreams, Broken Promises at The Cedar Ridge Creative Centre, February 15-27, 2020

Plastic Dreams, Broken Promises exhibition, Feb 2020

Plastic Dreams, Broken Promises exhibition, Feb 2020

From February 15-27, 2020 fellow artists Zoraida Anaya, Lisa Fox and I will feature our latest work in an art exhibition entitled Plastic Dreams, Broken Promises at the Cedar Ridge Creative Centre.

As part of the Cedar Ridge Gallery Contemporary Exhibition series, the collaborative installation centers around the themes of a throwaway and wasteful culture in an effort to raise awareness of its impact on the environment.  Ordinary plastic bags, crocheted into sculptures, photography on acrylic sheets and transparency lanterns transform the space to create a visually interesting exhibit.

The exhibition is part of the Women’s Art Project (WAP) Collective initiative, where the artistic intention is to make experimental work in a supportive, inspiring and collaborative environment.

Cedar Ridge Creative Centre is nestled within lush gardens enjoyed by the public and often rented for weddings and special events. Discover Cedar Ridge Gallery, home to contemporary and classic visual, and folk art exhibits. The upper floor of the main house and the adjacent carriage house contain working studio spaces that offer hands-on creative arts programs for visitors of all-ages. The refurbished pottery studio is located in what was the original carriage house.

Exhibition Dates: February 15-27, 2020
Reception: February 23, 1-3pm.

Cedar Ridge Creative Centre
225 Confederation Dr, Scarborough, ON M1G 1B2
Phone: 416-396-7378.

Monday to Wednesday, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Thursday to Sunday, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Closed on Statutory Holidays
Entry is free.

For more info visit The Cedar Ridge Creative Centre.


New Works Now Posted

Sanctum – My current body of work is now posted to the Paintings gallery.

Moment Of Bliss,  Acrylic, crochet, oil stick, 38" x 38", March 16, 2014,


Sanctum (January 2014 – March 2015) is an interpretation of patterns found in Nature. In this body of work, I use crochet, acrylic and oil sticks,  to create interlocking gestural lines and arrange shapes and colours. These elements serve as metaphors of our own indivisibility and oneness with Nature.

Sanctum at Gallery 1313

The exhibition of my latest series of works, titled “Sanctum” kicked off on Wednesday, April 16th in the Cell Gallery at Gallery 1313. Thursday night the gallery held a joint opening reception for fellow artists, Paul Brandjes, Milena Roglic and myself. The show is open until April 27th, so be sure to check it out. Below are some pics of my works (taken after installation) and the reception.

Gallery 1313
Hours and location
Wednesday – Sunday, 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
1313 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-536-6778


New Works Added to Organics Series

New works have been added to the Organics Series in the Paintings section. Be sure to check it out!
Here’s a sneak peak of two of my newer paintings. Both are mixed media – Embroidery, acrylic and oil stick:

Untitled_July272013 Untitled_Aug22013










Microcosm at Gallery 1313

Thanks to all those who attended the Microcosm exhibit at Gallery 1313.  I am pleased to say that the show was a success.  The idea for this work started with a series of quick sketches on the subway, using just a notebook and a blue ball-point pen.  This is where I began thinking about the Microcosm series (works on paper) and the Impressions of Kinetic Creation series (paintings).  I wanted to create a body of work that was spontaneous and ever-changing, telling a series of ‘fantastical’ events taking place.

Here are some snapshots of the works installed before the opening on Thursday, February 23rd.  Detailed images of the works from this exhibit are now posted to the site.




Microcosm (May 2010 – February 2012) In this series, visual queues of story-telling are  used to explore the idea of Nature as an active participant of a micro-universe.  Using gestural lines that overlap, a fantastical world emerges.  Images of strange creature inhabitants try to balance a delicate relationship with their “mother” – Nature.  The work depicts a series of events, where the creatures find themselves in a world where the forces of “mother” are ever so present; they are physically “caught” in the process.  Much like ourselves, the creatures are both loved and scorned by their well-being “mother”. They get jostled about just as we do, like goldfish in a tiny bowl of water. Sometimes they move gracefully, other times clumsily as they attempt to keep in harmony with Nature.  Their world is a place with a veneer of realism, which allows for natural and supernatural elements to take place.