Home » News » 9th Annual Canadian Human Rights Through Art Exhibition

Yes it is true, I have been a very “busy little bee” painting away in my corner of the universe as well as learning, studying and creating new experiences and improving my practice.

Just to keep you up to date I have posted two new works in the Figurative gallery on Fullmontague. These works will be on exhibit in the Canadian Human Rights Through Art Exhibition (Toronto, CAN) starting January 31, 2005 at the following venues:

January 31-February 4~ Scotiabank Plaza
February 7-11~ Metro Hall
February 14-18~ Coca-Cola Ltd. Toronto Headquarters
February 24-March 11~ Mooishi Gallery/ Hamilton City Hall
March 14-April 1~ Burlington Art Centre

The official launch of the exhibit wiil be on Monday, February 7, 2005 at Metro Hall at 6:30pm.

Also I would like to thank all those who have visited, emailed or signed my guestbook. Your support is very much appreciated and I just wanted to let you know that I am working very hard to keep the site updated with new and lively works.

Peace and Love !

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